Prof. Lara’s publications form a wide and eclectic body of scholarship that goes from monograph books and peer reviewed articles to pieces in architectural magazines and mainstream media OpEds.
Most of it is available online (link provided here), or via library databases. If you do not have access to a specific piece that you would like to read please send him an e-mail: fernandoluizlara(at)
Spatial Theories for the Americas: Counterweights to Five Centuries of Eurocentrism, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024
Street Matters: A Critical History of Urban Policy in Brazil (with Ana Paula Koury), Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022
Excepcionalidade do Modernismo Brasileiro / Excepcionalidad del Modernismo Brasileño, São Paulo: Romano Guerra Editora, 2018 (bilingual edition, Portuguese / Spanish)
Modern Architecture in Latin America: Art, Technology and Utopia, (with Luis Carranza) Austin: University of Texas Press, 2015.
The Rise of Popular Modernist Architecture in Brazil, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008, 149pp.
books edited
Numero 36 de la Revista DEARQ, Barajar el Canon (Ingrid Quintana y Fernando Martinez Nespral, co-editors), June 2023.
Spatial Concepts for Decolonizing the Americas, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2022.
Numero 29 de la Revista DEARQ, Colombia Desde Afuera (Felipe Hernández, co-editor), January 2021.
Decolonizing the Spatial History of the Americas – Center 24, Center for American Architecture and Design, University of Texas, 2021.
Apuntes sobre Decolonización: Arquitectura y Ciudad en Las Americas (with Reina Loredo), Ciudad de Mexico: Colofón, 2020.
Bolnarini e Associados, Design monograph, 2019
Architecture and Forced Exploitation: The Gulf of Mexico, 1920-1970 / Arquitectura y Explotacion Forzada: El Golfo de Mexico, 1920-1970 (with Reina Loredo Cansino), Ciudad de Mexico: Colofon, 2019. (bilingual edition, English / Spanish)
Arquitetos Associados, Design monograph, 2017
Horizontes, Design monograph, 2017
Border Without Wall / Frontera Sin Muro, 2017
Planning versus Participation: a fake dilemma, (with Ana Paula Koury), Austin: São Paulo: Nhamerica Press, 2016
Quid Novi? architectural education dilemmas in the 21st century (with Sonia Marques), Austin: Nhamerica Press, 2015,
Latitudes II (with Kevin Alter), Austin: Center for American Architecture and Design vol. 20, 2014.
Projetar: desafios e conquistas da pesquisa e do ensino de projeto. (edited with Sonia Marques) Rio de Janeiro: EVC, 2003, 175pp.
Editor of the series Latin America: Thoughs, Nhamerica Platform/Romano Guerra Editora.
Off Planning, by Diana Maldonado, 2024
Supersudaca, 2024
Divergences Architecture in Latin America and Discourses of the End of the Century, 2023
Três Pavilhões de Sergio Bernardes, by, Fausto Sombra 2023
Richard Neutra e o Brasil, by Fernanda Critelli, 2022
Lelé: Dialogues with Neutra and Prouvé, by André Marques, 2020
Critical Readings, by Ruth Verde Zein, 2018
Architecture and Nature by Abilio Guerra, 2016
Ode to the Void by Carlos Teixeira, 2016
Risky Spaces by Otávio Leonídio, 2016
peer reviewed articles
““Sovereignty Inside Out: An Antidote to the Overdose of Spatial Abstraction”, in Critical Productive, n.01, Fall 2024, pp. 12-15.
“Paulo Freire as an Antidote to the Hegemony of Abstraction” Platform Space, May 6, 2024.
“A Decolonial Perspective to Overcome Insufficiencies”, interview at Revista Virus, no. 26, December 2023, pp. 4-11. (article available also in Portuguese and Spanish).
“Barajar el canon: hacia un entendimiento descolonizado de la arquitectura", with Fernando Luis Martínez Nespral and Ingrid Quintana-Guerrero.Dearq no. 36 (2023): 4-8
“Cobogó and the Coloniality of the Brise-Soleil: Islamic Roots and Marginalization in Brazilian Modern Architecture”, Journal of Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, Vol. 4, Number 3, pp. 113–119, 2022.
“What Frameworks Should We Use to Read the Spatial History of the Americas?” Roundtable editor introduction, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 81/2, June of 2022, pp. 134-136
“Invisible Treasures: how the sixteenth century occupation of the Americas influenced the emergence of architecture as a discipline” Revista ARQ, no. 110, Santiago, Chile, 2022 pp.28-35.
“Introduction to Juan O’Gorman, “The Degeneration of Architecture in Mexico Today,” . Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 80/3, August 2021.
“Abstraction is a Privilege”, Platform Space, June 2021
“Arquitectura de Colombia vista desde fuera. Una breve introducción” (with Felipe Hernández), DEARQ n. 29 January 2021, pp. 6-11.
“Letter to my Colombian Friends”, DEARQ n. 29 January 2021, pp. 12-19.
“El otro del otro: cómo las historias canónicas de la arquitectura borraron las Américas”. Anales del Instituto de Arte Americano, 51(1), 2021, pp. 1-14.
“We need a political architecture to resist a civilizing architecture” (English and Portuguese versions), Revista Arq Urb 29, pp, 4-7, 2020.
“Architecture in 20th-Century Brazil.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, 2014—. Article published October 27, 2020.
“American Mirror: the occupation of the “new world” and the rise of architecture as we know it”, The Plan Journal, vol 5, n.1, May 2020.
“Towards a Theory of Space for the Americas”, FOLIO – Journal of African Architecture, vol 2, February 2020, pp. 232-241.
“Amateur Architects in Twentieth-Century Brazil”, Third Text, 33:5, December 2019.
“Teorizando o espaço das Américas: possíveis saídas para séculos de exclusão e de esquecimento”, in Revista América, n 1, vol 1, December 2018.
“La arquitectura y el sector público: la imagen como narrativa en la arquitectura brasileña” (with Marcio Cotrim & Barbara de Aguiar) Bitácora Arquitectura, Ciudad de Mexico: UNAM, vol 38, oct-nov 2018.
“Reconciling Design and Construction: Lessons from the Americas”, AULA Architecture and Urbanism in Las Americas, vol 7, 2018, pp. 24-31.
“The Wall is not the answer / El muro no es la respuesta”. Bitácora Arquitectura, Ciudad de Mexico: UNAM, vol 36, march-july 2017, pp. 107-115.
“Projetando Instituições”, Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 18-27, jan/jun. 2016
“Cidades na Era Lula, o lento abandono dos processos participativos”, Revista do IEB - Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, São Paulo, n. 58, p. 218-235, jun. 2014.
“Favela upgrade in Brazil: a reverse of participatory processes”, Journal of Urban Design, 18:4, September 2013, pp. 553-564.
“Reinterpreting Traditions: Vernacular Architecture in Latin American Cities” (with Diana Maldonado), Traditional Dwellings and Settlement Review, vol. 24, n.1, Fall 2012, p. 54-55.
“Imprecise Cartographies. Mapping contemporary architecture in the Americas”. Arquitextos, São Paulo, 13.149, Vitruvius, sep 2012 <>.
“Sobre la Invisibilidad de la Madera: Arquitectura Moderna en Brasil”, Ciudad y Arquitectura, n.150, Otono 2012, Santiago, Chile, pp. 48-51.
“Arquitetura Quae Sera Tamem”, Cadernos PROARQ no. 17, December 2011, pp. 9-21.
“Incomplete Utopias: Imbedded Inequalities in Brazilian Modern Architecture,” Architectural Research Quarterly, vol. 15/2, August 2011, pp. 131-138.
“New (sub)Urbanism, Old Inequalities: the growth of gated communities in Brazil,” Journal of Urban Design, 16/3, August 2011, pp. 369-380.
“Eolo Maia’s Hybrid Architecture: the Crossroads of Information,” AXIS Journal of the Caribbean School of Architecture, no.10, 2010, pp. 12-21.
“Beyond Curitiba: The Rise of a Participatory Model for Urban Intervention in Brazil,” Urban Design International, Vol 2/15, Summer 2010, pp. 119-128.
(with Youngchul Kim) “Built Global, Lived Local: a Study of How Two Diametrically Opposed Cultures Reacted to Similar Modern Housing Solutions,” Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, vol 27 no. 2, summer 2010, pp 91-106.
“Modernism Made Vernacular: the Brazilian Case,” Journal of Architectural Education, v. 63/1, Fall 2009, pp. 41-50.
“Dissemination of Design Knowledge: Evidence from 1950s Brazil,” The Journal of Architecture, vol. 11, n. 2, Summer 2006, pp. 241-255.
“Brazilian Popular Modernism: Analyzing the Dissemination of Architectural Vocabulary,” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 23:2, Summer 2006, pp. 91-112.
“In the Dark All You Have Left is Architecture,” Space and Culture, vol. 9, February 2006, pp.26-27.
“Modernismo Popular: elogio ou imitação?,” Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, v. 12, n. 13, Dec 2005, pp. 171-184.
“Interview with Bernard Tschumi,” TOPOS, vol 1, no. 3, Belo Horizonte: EA/UFMG, 2005, pp. 7-9.
(with Vanessa Brasileiro) “Interview with Herman Hertzberger,” Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Belo Horizonte, v. 9, n. 10, 2003, pp. 9-16.
“One Step Back, Two Steps Forward: The Maneuvering of Brazilian Avant-Garde,” Journal of Architectural Education, v. 55/4, May 2002, pp. 211-219.
book chapters
“Whose Memories, Whose Values?” in Adaptive Reuse in Latin America: Cultural Identity, Values and Memory. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2023
“Spatial Abstraction as Colonizing Tool”, in Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art History, (Flores, San Martin and Villaseñor, editors) New York: Routledge, 2023, 331-341
“Participatory Design in Latin America, Learning From The Global South”, in Architecture Pedagogies of the Global South (Harris and Salama, editors), New York: Routledge, 2022, 176-187.
“Structures and Typologies of Latin American and Caribbean Cities”, in The Routledge Handbook of Urban Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean, New York: Routledge, 2022: 93-116.
“Purity is a Myth: Discussing the Canon Racist Roots”, in Historiographical Revisions: Brazilian Modern Architecture, edited by R. Verde Zein, Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2021, pp. 357-365.
“Por uma Teoria da Arquitetura Decolonizada” preface of Por um Ensino Insurgente de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, (Moassab & Name, editors) Foz do Iguaçú: Unila, 2020, pp. 7-12.
“Paragua-y Aguaqui”, in Arquitectura Contemporanea en Paraguay, São Paulo: Romano Guerra: Goma Oficina, 2019, pp. 160-165.
Foreword to Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa's Modernist Project for Brazil by Gaia Piccarolo, London: Routledge, 2019.
Preface to Ideias para novas cidades by Renato Leão Rego, Londrina: Kan, 2019, pp. 49-53.
“One Katrina Every Year: The challenge of Urban Flooding in Tropical Cities”, in Rio de Janeiro: Urban Expansion and the Environment” (Gamez, Nesbitt & Lin, editors) New York: Routledge, 2019, pp. 18-26.
“Design and Activism in the Americas”, in Design (&) Activism – Perspectives on Design as Activism and Activism as Design, T. Bieling, editor, Berlin: Mimesis International, 2019, pp. 211-222.
“The Gulf of Mexico as the Knot that tied the Americas”, in Architecture and Forced Exploitation: The Gulf of Mexico, 1920-1970 / Arquitectura y Explotacion Forzada: El Golfo de Mexico, 1920-1970 (Loredo & Lara, editors), Ciudad de Mexico: Colofon, 2019, pp. 61-84
"Urbis Americana: Thoughts on our shared (and exclusionary) traditions", preface of Urban Latin America: Images, Words, Flows and the Built Environment, edited by Freire-Medeiros & O'Donnel, New York: Routledge, 2018.
“La enseñanza de la arquitectura y la participación social en las Americas / Teaching Architecture and Social Engagement in the Americas”, in Erre que erre, (Maria Elia Mozo, editor), Alicante, ES: Universidad de Alicante, 2018, pp. 91-104.
“Prefacio” (preface) to Modernidades Tardias no Cerrado by Patricia Orfila, Florianópolis: Insular, 2018, pp. 17-20.
“Pobrazilsteni Brasilie”, in Brasilia-Mesto-Sem, edited by Yvonna Fricova, Prague: Indigoprint, 2017, pp. 243-246.
“Islas no Mas” (with Luis Carranza), in Rutas Iberoamericanas, Ana E. Maluenda org, Madrid: ETSAM, 2017.
“Participation Matters: From Favela Bairro to the Mega Events and their impact in Brazilian Informal Settlements”, in Marginal Urbanisms (Hernandez & Becerra, editors), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, pp. 64-80.
“50 years of Urban Policy in Brazil: 1963-2013”, (with Ana Paula Koury) in Planning versus Participation: a fake dilemma, Austin: São Paulo: Nhamerica Press, 2016, pp. 73-99.
“A Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira e o Automóvel: o casamento do século”, in Cidade e Movimento: Mobilidade e Interações no Desenvolvimento Urbano (Krause, Balbin & Link, organizers), Brasília: IPEA, 2016, pp. 129-140.
“Brazilian Architecture and the Automobile, the Marriage of the Century”, in City and Movement: Mobility and Interactions in Urban Development (Krause, Balbin & Link, organizers), Brasília: IPEA, 2016, pp. 125-136
“Ensino de Arquitetura no Brasil: na vida real a história é diferente” (with Sonia Marques) in Quid Novi? architectural education dilemmas in the 21st century Austin: Nhamerica Press, 2015, pp. 205-220.
“Teaching Architecture in Brazil: in real life it’s another history” (with Sonia Marques) in Quid Novi? architectural education dilemmas in the 21st century Austin: Nhamerica Press, 2015, pp. 221-235.
“Illiterate Modernists: Tracking the Dissemination of Architectural Knowledge in Brazilian Favelas”, in Housing and Belonging in Latin America, New York: Bergham Books, 2015.
(with Maria Camila Coronado) “Dibujando Instituciones: hacia la construction de los espacios publicos Latinoamericanos”, in Dialogos de Arquitetura Latinoamericana, Bogota: Fundacion Rogelio Salmona, 2014.
“Brazilian Architecture: centripetal and centrifugal moments”, introduction in Brazilian Architectural Guide (edited by Bruno Santa Cecilia), Berlin: DOM Publishers, 2013.
“Reinventando a América / Reinventando la America”, in Forum Jovens Arquitectos Latinoamericanos: inserções numa realidade periférica, Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica e Editora, 2013, pp. 34-47.
Foreword of Angelo Bucci’s book: São Paulo, Reasons for Architecture, Austin: UTSOA Center for American Architecture and Design, 2011, pp. vii-xi.
“East West High Low, How Brazilian Vernacular Problematizes it All,” in Non West Past Modernism, editors William Lim and Chang Jiat Hwee, Singapore: World Scientific, 2011, pp. 69-78.
“The Form of the Informal, Investigating Brazilian Self-built Housing Solutions” in: Rethinking the Informal Cities: Critical Perspectives from Latin America, edited by Felipe Hernandez, Peter Kellet and Lea Allen, Oxford & New York: Berghan Books, 2010, pp. 23-38.
book reviews
“Spatial Orders for the Masses”, review of Modernity for the Masses by Ana Maria León and Spatial Orders Social Forms by Adrian Anagnost, Art Journal, 81/3, September 2022.
“Chasing World-Class Urbanism: Global Policy versus Everyday Survival in Buenos Aires, by Jacob Lederman, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 81/1, March 2022, pp. 115-116.
“Eugenics in the Garden: Transatlantic Architecture and the Crafting of Modernity” by Fabiola Lopez-Duran, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 78/4, December 2019, pp. 486-487.
“Rights of Way to Brasilia Teimosa”, by Charles Fortin, reviewed at Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37:4, October 2018.
“Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space, and Visuality in Venezuela, 1948-1958”, by Lisa Blackmore, reviewed at European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, v.106, July-December 2018.
“Modern Architecture in Mexico City: History, Representation, and the Shaping of a Capital” by Kathryn E. O'Rourke, reviewed at Journal of Social History, 51:1, September 2017.
“Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro,” by Bryan McCann, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 35:3, June 2016.
“Spectacular Mexico. Design, Propaganda, and the 1968 Olympics by Luis M. Castañeda, reviewed in Journal of Mexican Studies, 32:1, Winter 2016, pp. 150-152.
“The Andean Hybrid Baroque: Convergent Cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru by Gauvin Bailey” book review in Bulletin of Latin American Research 32:1, January 2013, pp. 110-111.
“Beyond Brasilia: Contemporary Urbanism in Brazil,” book review in The Americas 67: 2, October 2010, pp. 282-283.
“Filming Under Niemeyer’s Shadows,” review of Oscar Niemeyer, un architecte engage dans le siècle, DVD directed by Marc-Henri Wajnberg, 2003, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 66- 4, December 2007, pp. 551-553.
“Mexican Modernity by Ruben Gallo,” book review in Technology and Culture, vol 49, April 2008, pp. 39-40.
“Ars longa vita brevis,” book review of Luiz Amorim’s Obituário Arquitetônico: Pernambuco Modernista, in Resenhas Online,, November 2007.
“O desenho da delicadeza,” book review of Helio Pinon’s Paulo Mendes da Rocha, in Resenhas Online,, February 2007.
(with Leticia marteleto) “Cutting the wire: the story of the landless movement in Brazil,” Book review, Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2004, pp.78-79.
“Arquitetura brasileira sob o olhar estrangeiro,” book review of Nelci Tinem’s O Alvo do olhar estrangeiro, in Resenhas Online,, May 2003.
“No More Hunger, No Less Misery,” book review on Carolina Maria de Jesus, I’m going to have a little house. Commissioned and published by H-NET Urban History electronic list, April 1998.
“The need for planning theories to and from the Global South”, Interplan - American Planning Association International Division, Winter 2022, pp. 16-19
“Double Standards” essay for Brazilian Pavillion at Venice Biennale 2020/21
“A Stitch in Time” Architectural Review, v. 1465, October 2019.
“Arquitetura para Integrar Fronteiras”, Archdaily, February 2017, available at
“Galeria Claudia Andujar”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.263, Mar 2016.
“Eupalinos das Alterosas”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.263, Mar 2016.
“Workshop de construção do Lamo3D, na UFRJ”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.262, Jan 2016.
“Continuities and Ruptures in Brazilian Contemporary Architecture”, in Special Issue: Latin American Architecture, edited by Liernur and Zhao, The Architect, Beijing, No 178, 2015-12, pp 134-143.
“不再孤寂 – Islands no More”, 新建筑 New Architecture, Shanghai, 6/2015, pp. 8-12.
“Es Hora de Acercar la Práctica al Discurso”, Summa +, Buenos Aires, v. 154, September 2015, p. 128.
“O Outro do Outro: Arquitetura Moderna na América Latina”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.254, May 2015, pp.121-123.
“Continuidades y Rupturas en la Arquitectura Contemporánea Brasileña”, Revista PLOT n. 24, Buenos Aires, May 2015, pp. 168-172.
“Desenho da Paisagem: Jason Sowell and Gabriel Diaz Montemayor”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.253, March 2015, pp.118-120.
“Taller Activo de Queretaro”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.251, January 2015, pp.121-122.
“Plano de aula: David Barragán e os workshops em bairros carentes”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.248, November 2014, pp.102-104.
“Uma Copa Mal Desenhada”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.243, June 2014, pp.98.
“Cátedra Rois”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.239, January 2014, pp.165-167.
“Circuito das Américas”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.237, November 2013, pp.16-21.
“Gritando por urbanismo”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.233, August 2013, pp.50-53.
“Cartografias Imprecisas”, Revista Bamboo, São Paulo, March 2013, pp. 56-57.
“Made in China”, Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.217, April 2012, pp.70-73.
“Casa MM- Felipe Mesa” e “Casa Santa Elena- Antonio Sofan” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.216, March 2012, pp.21-32.
“O paradigma do Asfalto”, Revista Forum: um outro mundo em debate, no. 106, January 2012, pp. 42-44.
republished at Minha Cidade, São Paulo, 12.140, Vitruvius, mar 2012 <>.
republished at Observatório do Recife, june 7, 2012 <>
“Arquiteturas de minério e arte”, Monolito IV, São Paulo: August 2011, pp. 68-75.
“Casa Cien by Pezo Von Ellrichshausen” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.207, June 2011, pp.28-35.
“Quae Sera Tamen,” Spanish version, 30-60 Cuaderno Latinoamericano de Arquitectura, Córdoba (Argentina): I+P editorial: February 2011, pp. 14-29.
“Quae Será Tamen,” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo, v.200, November 2010, pp. 66-69.
“Brazilian Modern Architecture:1950s - 1960s,” KIA – Journal of the Korean Institute of Architects, 7/8 2009, pp. 46-49.
“Brazilian Modern Architecture – 1930-1945,” KIA – Journal of the Korean Institute of Architects, 5/6 2009, pp. 48-51.
“Minas Gerais and the Brazilian Newest Architecture,” KIA – Journal of the Korean Institute of Architects, 3/4 2009, pp. 38-43.
“A urgência da sustentabilidade como janela de oportunidade para a arquitetura,” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.178, February 2009, PP 74-75.
“Kieran + Timberlake em Ann Arbor, Michigan,” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.174, September 2008, pp.58-65.
“Eco-materialidad, casa Vila Del Rey,” 30-60 Cuaderno Latinoamericano de Arquitectura, Córdoba (Argentina): I+P editorial, vol. 6, 2005, pp. 62-69.
“Diário de Ateliê/Studio Journal,” AR: revista de arquitetura, ensino e cultura. Coronel Fabriciano: UnilesteMG, ano 2, n2, December 2005, pp. 100-105.
“Considerações sobre a herança modernista popular construída no Brasil,” Boletim IAB-SC (Journal of the Brazilian Institute of Architects, Santa Catarina), May-June 2005, pp. 1-3.
“25 anos de arquitetura brasileira em revista,” Projeto Design, São Paulo, v. 275, 2003, pp. 28-29.
“136 arquiteturas brasileiras” (editorial). Arquitextos, São Paulo, 02.022, Vitruvius, available at: <>, Jul 2002.
“Vizinhos do Pateta,” Revista IAB-MG, October 1999, pp. 48-49.
(with Rochelle Martin) “Lições de Arquitetura: Cranbrook Academy,” Revista AU Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Paulo: v.98, October 2001, pp.45-48.
“Arquitetura brasileira volta às páginas das publicações internacionais na década de 90,” Revista Projeto Design, São Paulo: Arco Editorial, January 2001, pp.8-9.